During a recent effort to go green and organize myself I managed to unexpectedly "spend some green" in the process. Lot$ of green actually. I stumbled onto a new hobby for myself I didn't see coming. The whole EDC, BOB, FAK etc... thing! If you don't know what I'm talking about you may want to stop reading. Be warned - once you've got the bug this can get ADDICTING!
If your a gadget guru, gear geek or tech on trail violator (like me) get ready to think of new ways to acquire more "stuff" while packing it in less space. All while ensuring you have access to it all times. The system of Every Day Carry (EDC) is a lifestyle of preparedness. Its a process in ensuring you've got what you need for most of life's situations. To include daily tasks, confort items, basic tools and emergencies. I also found that a huge and community exist around this type of activity. If you don't believe me at last check when searching YouTube over 31,000 videos were available on the topic. All showing custom EDC's.
So I purchased a Maxpedition Mini Pocket Organizer and have mine all set up. Still awaiting some items, but its all planned out and incorporated into larger kits I'm planning (such as my "BOB" AKA Bug out Bag and my Commuter Kit). Here is the list of stuff I now carry with me "all the time". It fits into my pants cargo pocket or I can move it from pack to briefcase in two seconds. Bottom line it's always with me and I'm prepared 24/7.
- Knife
- Flashlight
- Chap Stick
- Nail Clippers
- Keychain Light
- Spare House Key
- Duct Tape
- Pad Paper
- Sharpie
- Small Screwdriver
- Small ZipTies
- Extra Ziploc Bags
- Ball point Pen
- 10 Ft ParaCoord**
- Small Scissor ** (Micra
coming soon)
Razor Blade**(Not sure it's needed)- Lighter
Wetwipes**- Carabiner
- Pencil**
- Matches**
- P-38/51
- Pry Tool** (Micra
coming soon)
- Bandaids**
AAA or AA Batteries **
As with any EDC...it's never finished. Always evolving and upgrading. I put this post up on a forum about "estimated cost". You can see EDC's could easily go into the "thousands of dollars" depending on what you carry. I have a few more items coming that will complete my EDC and support my "Commuter Kit". I'll post up my EDC, FAK (First Aid Kit) and BOB when they're at least v1.0's. Right now I'm in Beta :-)
One thing I do know is that if you need six feet of duct tape while in a public restroom...I've got it! Enjoy!
One thing I do know is that if you need six feet of duct tape while in a public restroom...I've got it! Enjoy!
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