Saturday, May 28, 2011

Apps that may Save your Ass

Here are a few apps that I keep on my trusty iPhone just in case the SHTF and I gotta bug out!  I also have a AA charging cell to keep it going if the battery starts to die out.

I have several navigation and location based apps that are in other parts of my phone menu (listed below), but these are what I go to when I need to find out information quickly:

Flashlight - Pretty self explanatory.  Only thing is this one has several flashes and configurations you can use in emergency situations.  Also lets you control the flash for the rear facing camera.

Disaster Alert - List every ongoing disaster in the world.

Compass - General compass for land navigation.  No cell service required.   

5-0 Radio and Police Scanner - Databases of local police and fire broadcast.

SAS Survival App - Basically a media rich version of the SAS Survival Handbook.

iFirstAid - Basic first aid and lifesaving techniques with an automated read over and CPR timer.

Surf Report - For currents, tide and water temperature readings.

Weather Bug and TWC - Local weather.

Find iPhone - If I need to get a general idea of where my wife is or send her an emergency message I can through this App.

Survival Guide - Good collection of free survival techniques.

Other apps not listed in this section that may be useful in a bug out situation:

Google Doc's - I have several PDF's that have first aid and survival information on them.

Twitter - To monitor social media response to an event.

Google Voice - To make calls if the cell service is down (Wi-Fi required).

Google Maps - for directions (walking routes available).

iFM - Radio station feeds.

Paypal - Buy stuff, transfer money from you phone.

iBooks - View any PDF's you have stored on your iPhone.

Star Walk - Navigate by the stars even when cloud covered.


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